THE ALLMAN REPORT I've been studying this for awhile now, and I'm going to share everything I know about the possible risks, possible gains, and probable bullshit that you've heard out there regarding pumping, as well as an extremely important free resource you definitely want to read before you try
Last longer in bed than you ever imagined possible and cure premature ejaculation once and for all! LINKS FROM THIS VIDEO... Fix premature ejaculation permanently - Total Control In 5 Days: Get The Tactical Guide for 5 Top Techniques For Lasting Longer: This is the ultimate premature ejaculation
This video contains 5 seriously powerful ways to stop feeling insecure, and start enjoying authentic, deeply sourced confidence that other people can feel... The kind of confidence and self esteem that fuels your accomplishments and gives you the courage to chase big dreams, and the kind of confidence and ease
In this video you'll discover the 3 kinds of masculine traits that women find sexually attractive. Of these 3 groups of masculine traits, there are 5 specific masculine qualities that trigger female attraction. The reason that women are specifically attracted to these traits more than other positive aspects of being
Building sexual tension with a girl is EASY... In fact, not only is creating and building sexual tension natural... it's literally so automatic that it's unavoidable! So why does it seem that so many men are so clueless when it comes to attracting women, flirting, turning women women, creating sexual
Fear Rejection? Here's How To Handle Rejection Like A Man... and even turn it around! So many men are filled with anxiety when it comes to approaching women and introducing themselves? Why? They fear rejection. And part of why they fear rejection is because they massively misunderstand it. Men take
If you're like most people right now, you're arguing a lot more with the people you love. I made this video to help you stop bickering and build more trust (and while I made it for lovers, it's absolutely magic if you're arguing with anyone in your family). Follow these
Here's a big issue when you're flirting with a woman you like: Sometimes women never text you back after they give you their number... LINKS RELATED TO THIS VIDEO... How To Naturally and Authentically Activate Her Desire: This video is about how to flirt with a woman and attract
This video contains the most important truth there is for understanding how a man BECOMES a leader, becomes the man that others consistently look to for leadership (whether that be in a crisis situation, or simply at work or in a social setting). It also contains a three step process
Is Tantra the ultimate way to experience the most powerful orgasms that open you to God? Or... is it basically just hyperventilating when having sex? In today's video I'll let you decide. First, I reveal the most closely guarded secret of tantric sex (I guarantee you've never heard this one, even
It's getting tough out there for men! Women are more defensive than ever towards men who approach them, and you can land in the "creeper" category pretty quickly... even if you're a good guy with good intentions! LINKS DISCUSSED IN THIS VIDEO: How To Create Sexual Tension: The Power
I read that it takes the average woman 20 minutes to reach orgasm during sex (about 16 minutes longer than most men last, lol)... But wait... is this true? If a woman is taking that long to have an orgasm there is one of two things that are going wrong:1)
This video reveals the TRUTH about a simple 5 words phrase that will make any woman obsess over you, chase you, and want you sexually! It works on any woman, any time, anywhere, and she is guaranteed to fall in love with you instantly, and there is nothing she can
So you had some angry words with your lover, said some shit you probably shouldn't have, and things blew up. I mean, with all of this freakin' uncertainty...stuck inside...disappointed about the summer plans that aren't going to happen...worried about money...worried about mom and dad...getting on each other's nerves... I get
There is a lot of advice out there for doing it right your first time. Most of it is either painfully predictable (though well meaning), and the rest is absolute garbage. If you're getting ready for your first time, or it's just been ages since you were in the saddle,
Breakthrough Session Thanks for signing up for a private, 1-on-1 breakthrough session! I'm super excited to get on the line with you and rip into your most stubborn life issue, and give you fresh insights and super-clarity into the issue that was previously missing, and create a clear and actionable
Overcoming your insecurities is the most important step you can take for any kind of personal development. Whether you are trying to overcome your anxiety around approaching women, a punishing self critical voice or "inner critic," make more money, find your deeper purpose in life, upgrade your marriage or relationship,
Relationship Advice That Can Save (and light up!) Your Marriage Men and women cheat in their relationships. Sure, there are a few don't, but most do, and they do so for largely the same reasons. But… There are still major differences in the reasons that most women cheat, compared with
If you want to be more confident with women, then you will want to watch the video below. The truth is, most men really struggle when it comes to being cool, natural, and confident when they are with a woman that they are attracted to. Crazy enough, some men still
Can you really grow your penis by stretching it? Finding the answer to that question turns out to be complicated, and I went on a pretty serious hunt to find out. First of all, I actually have a colleague who makes $$MILLIONS$$ selling one of the most popular penis enlargement
There are many ways to be sexy... being physically attractive, obviously, is one of them... but plenty of people are physically beautiful but not particularly sexy. Sexy is it's own thing... it's about SEXUAL attraction, which is just one part of why we might be attracted to someone-- it's the
Selling cures for E.D. (erectile dysfunction) is a multi-BILLION dollar industry. And I'm guessing that as the baby boomers continue to climb through their 60s, this is not going to be a bad place to bet your money for a while. If you have trouble getting it up, or keeping
After creating programs like "How To Man" and Masculinity Mastery," I field a lot of questions about masculinity: What is masculine, really? (Self authorship) Is there space for traditional masculine values in today's world? (Of course!) Is masculinity under attack from women today? (No.) And what about the "Incels," and
Do you ever tell little white lies to protect someone's feelings? Little exaggeration lies to make yourself seem a little cooler? Big, fat, hairy lies to save yourself from blame or humiliation? If you answered "no! never!" then it sounds like you probably tell the most insidious form of lie
If you're man never wants to make love anymore, it can seriously mess with your self esteem, your happiness, and of course, it can damage your relationship. When a man doesn't want sex, it can be because his sex drive is diminishing, a signal that he's pulling away (just "not
It turns out that all of those people that talk about their great sex lives... are lying. That's right, if you've been reading the science journals this month, you've probably seen that in one of the most explosive studies ever, a research team from 4 major Universities (Harvard Medical School,
Do you have to be an "alpha male" to get women? Will your woman leave you if she can get herself a guy who is "more alpha" than you are? And what the heck is "alpha" anyway? Get ready my friends, because I'm ripping the band-aide off on this one,
Back in the 70s there was disco, and there was the swinger scene. Wife-swapping, sex parties, free love, and shenanigans in the Hollywood tubs weren't necessarily mainstream, but it was common enough that you probably knew someone who was involved. Then AIDS came along in the 80s, some very serious
If you want to take control over the amount of porn you watch (or social media, video game, or any other time-sucking screen addiction), without having to battle yourself every day for the rest of your life... You're in the right place. The short, "Porn Addiction Self Assessment
Thank you and welcome! This training was wildly popular at my live "How To Man" event that men flew in from around the world to participate in. This material is powerful, functional, and can change your life. how to create real and lasting sexual attraction with your perfect woman. I