Can you really grow your penis by stretching it?
Finding the answer to that question turns out to be complicated, and I went on a pretty serious hunt to find out.
First of all, I actually have a colleague who makes $$MILLIONS$$ selling one of the most popular penis enlargement programs on the inter-webs. I know you don’t surf porn sites much… but if you did, you definitely would have seen his ads. Not only that, but he has testimonials and VIDEO testimonials all over the place!
So I sat him down over a beer and asked him if any of those testimonials were real…
I also launched my OWN study by surveying more than a thousand of my male readers and found out what their results were from jelqing, pumps, weights, and other stretching devices.
AND I talked to a bunch of urologists (dick doctors) and penis surgeons… all of them, by the way, say growing your penis through stretching is 100% medically impossible.
Funny enough, I even spoke to some doctors who have websites that say they have treatments (like the P Shot) that will grow your penis… and even they said, “well, actually, it just makes you harder so that you’re as large as nature has made you… but no… actually… it’s impossible to grow your dick.”
It turns out that you can find reddit groups, and a thousand other support groups online for helping you on your jelqing… and they are filled with men who claim to have made amazing gains!
So what gives?
Well… according to my colleague, 100% of his testimonials are bullshit, and written by his marketing team and then he has actors film the videos.
AND he has them post in reddit groups about their success.
But… that’s not the end of the story!
Because in my own survey of my own readers, a little under 10% of the men who tried stretching devices and jelqing said they GREW! Now MOST of those said their gains were only about 1/2 an inch… but a tiny percentage of them said they actually made the kind of gains claimed on the breathless reddit groups and porn ads.[
I honestly can’t tell exactly what’s going on here. Is it possible that it only works for some tiny percentage of men? Is it a mass delusion? And is it worth spending hours and hours of your life yanking your cock for something as low value to women as a bigger dick?
I talk more about the truth behind jelqing and what works in the video…
Would love to hear any comments you have over on youtube:
Does Jelqing Work?