In this video you’ll discover the 3 kinds of masculine traits that women find sexually attractive. Of these 3 groups of masculine traits, there are 5 specific masculine qualities that trigger female attraction.
The reason that women are specifically attracted to these traits more than other positive aspects of being a man, are that they are hard to fake. In today’s dating scene (or even in your relationship), women are aware of how many men have learned to fake masculinity and attractive qualities of social status in order to get laid…
So only the most reliable (difficult to fake) attractive qualities are effective at getting a woman attracted to you– whether that’s to get a girlfriend, or to re-ignite sexual attraction in your relationship.
Most men are badly misinformed when it comes to what WOMEN find masculine, manly, and sexually desirable. They swallow some nonsense about being an “alpha male” when very few women are interested in that kind of thing, and those that are frequently don’t make good partners in relationship.
On the other side, men swallow too much of what women are complaining about with “toxic masculinity” and try to appear more gender neutral and end up in the “friend zone,” because without sexual polarity, without your masculine power, there is no sexual attraction.
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