Have you ever wondered:
Why Can’t We Change the Size or the Shape of Our Penis?
Think about it…
We’ve blasted men into space…
We’ve created bombs so powerful, they flatten cities…
We beam every movie ever made across the country in seconds…
Without using a SINGLE wire…
And then we watch these movies on a device we carry around in our pockets!
We’ve built sky-scrapers hundreds of stories high…
We’ve dug chasms hundreds of miles deep…
And we’ve cured diseases that once killed MILLIONS of people…
They’re obviously looking for a cure:
50% of the world’s population is crying out for a solution, begging to give them money for it…
THREE BILLION people secretly crave erections that make their girlfriends gasp…the stamina to fuck for hour after hour…the masculine pride that comes with another inch.
We’ve wanted bigger penises since we were fucking cavemen…
And we’ve basically tried everything…
Asian men have mixed every herb and potion you can imagine…
Including nasty stuff like deer penis wine.
Viking men froze their dicks in snow drifts until they were numb…
Then dipped them into burning coals…
African men have twisted… and stretched… and pulled… and cut…
But… for some reason… these three to nine inches of skin, muscle and veins…
Have conquered the greatest minds of EVERY generation…
And our generation is no different:
Even today, we’re bombarded with advertisements for pills, pumps and stretching techniques…
And if you’ve been around, you’ve seen the ads…
But the trouble is…
These “new” methods work no better than eating deer penis…
Or giving your penis a Viking funeral!
If you’re an average man looking to grow your penis…
You’ve been presented with three, basic options:
OPTION ONE: You can pull on it…
Some men try stretching, “Jelqing” or pumping…
The trouble is, they rarely get results…
Dr. Lue, a professor of urology at the University of California…
Says the science behind pulling on your penis is completely made up…
Hundreds of other doctors agree…
And the only clinical study to ever study stretching…
Found that stretching, pumping, jelqing and all the rest simply don’t work, for most men…
And even the tiny percentage of men who can stretch their dicks grow by less than half an inch…
Yank your penis just one inch too far…
And you can rip it out of its socket
This turns your boner into a hospital bill…
And leaves you with a dick that points straight down…
Even when it’s erect…
Which makes sex awkward, even impossible…
OPTION TWO: You can cut it up…
Some men turn to penis surgery…
After all, surgery is the “only” method that guarantees results…
The trouble is, penis surgery isn’t covered by your insurance, and it’s expensive…
And boy, does it hurt like hell…
They have to slice open your cock and fill it with fat…
Fat they scraped from your lower belly…
So you’re not only left with this weird lump in your gut…
Otherwise, your surgeon may leave you with a “Frankencock…”
Which is a larger penis covered with lumps and bruises caused by a surgeon’s scalpel…
OPTION THREE: You can poison yourself…
Most men try pills….
Most men take dick enhancement pills…
And pills seem like a pretty good deal…
Pills like Extenze increase the blood flow to your penis…
Which gives you a harder, thicker erection…
And makes you feel good about your dick…
Even if it’s not technically “bigger”
(And we all know that no pill can actually make you “bigger”…)
But penis pills can have side effects…
Including nausea, anxiety and heart attacks…
Not to mention, the worst – and most terrifying – side effect, ever…
It’s called “Penile Rupture Syndrome”
And it happened to Adrian Carter…
Adrian’s horror story was reported on major news networks…
Including ABC News, Health News Daily and Huffington Post…
Adrian picked up his girlfriend and headed to a local motel…
Where they planned to make love to each other…
He took a name brand “male enhancement” pill…
Then he and his girlfriend both stripped naked…
And climbed into bed.
Minutes into sex, Adrian felt a sharp pain…
He looked down…
And saw something horrible…
His penis was now grown to nearly twice its size…
It was purple…
And throbbed with pain…
And when Adrian removed the condom…
One of the veins in his penis burst…
And blood, “spurted out of my penis, onto the sheets, walls and mirror”
His doctors told him, “You may never father children…
… Or even have another erection…
… Until the day you die.”
That’s why… if you’re a man who wants a bigger penis…
I think your “traditional” options suck…
They’re either dangerous, expensive or pretty disgusting…
Whether you’re stretching your dick…
Slicing your dick open…
Or swallowing chemicals that could possibly kill you.
Now, you can try these methods like millions of men have…
And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you…
Even your hope that this time will be different…
Is completely natural and healthy…
Before you try pills, pumps or surgery…
You should know one, simple thing:
You should know there’s an easier way to make your dick
bigger… Starting tonight
It takes just 30 to 60 seconds…
It makes your woman scream out in pain and in ecstasy…
And it’s so safe I use it, personally, up to seven times per day…
Now, it not only works for me…
It also works for every one of my 147,413 male subscribers…
And I see no medical or scientific reason…
Why it wouldn’t work for you…
If you’re not interested in this brand-new solution…
Then you should stop reading, right now.
Because there are only two “real” options left for you,if you want to have a bigger penis:
OPTION ONE: You can take your chances with penis pills… deer penis wine… or stretching your penis like an African tribesman…
OPTION TWO: Or you can keep reading, all the way to the end…
… And I’ll give you the solution that banishes masculine insecurity, forever.
Still with me? Good
My name is Alex Allman… And you may already know me…
You may have listened to my TEDx talk…
You may have met one of the “power couples” I’ve counseled…
You may have seen one of my YouTube videos…
(One of which has more than a million views…)
But I’m probably best known as one of the world’s leading sex researchers…
And the man you can trust when you have a question about your penis…
I’ve helped thousands of men, women and couples have better sex…
And I’ve shared sex secrets with thousands of guys…
But… for a good part of my life…
I’ve lived with a humiliating secret of my own…
My secret was that I had my own sexual hang-ups…
Including a secret insecurity about my penis…
It all started when I was 13 years old…
And I was diagnosed with something called “Constitutional Growth Delay…”
This meant I would always be smaller and weaker than the other guys my age…
And it meant I would reach puberty many years late…
So this is me… in HIGH SCHOOL.
You see that “man” sitting next to me…
He’s not my older cousin…
He’s not my older brother…
He was my best friend…
And… at the time we took this photo…
That “man” was the exact same age as me!
Here’s where it gets really embarrassing…
While my best friend – and the other guys my age – were getting hair under their arms…
Getting taller… getting stronger… growing muscles…
And yes… getting bigger in “size”…
… I still looked and felt like a little kid.
Like the kid with the smallest dick in the locker room…
And Yes, I got picked on a lot.
And yes, it was humiliating.
And this feeling stuck with me for years…
My first day at college
was an all-time low…
I was lonely…
I still felt like a little kid…
And I was terrified to meet new people…
Because the women would laugh at me…
And the men would look down on me…
That first night in college, I gave myself two options:
Either I could figure this “sex” stuff out…
So I could feel more like a “man”…
Or I could kill myself…
Because I was just that depressed…
In my desperation…I did the only thing a nerdy boy like me could do…
I went to the library…
I found the section they had on “Sex…”
And I read every book I could get my hands on…
What I learned would change my life, forever:
Not only did I discover how to be great in bed…
I also discovered secrets about sex…
Secrets I used to get “an edge” over every other guy in the world…
Take the G-Spot, for example…
Back in 1986, nobody knew
what the G-Spot was…
But I read about it in a dusty old book…
So I knew what it was…
I knew where it was…
And I knew how to touch it to make women cum…
It became my super power…
It gave me confidence…
And this confidence finally got me laid…
And my knowledge also gave me a reputation…
Pretty soon, I was giving women intense orgasms…Women who would have ignored me a year ago.
And I was making these beautiful women scream with pleasure…
With just my middle finger…
( How’s that for poetic justice?)
Pretty soon, I was sleeping with women who only dated guys with big muscles…
… And even bigger dicks.
Even though I was – physically – absolutely nothing special…
Woman after woman would look into my eyes…
With a tired, satisfied look on her face…
And ask me,
“Where the hell did YOU learn how to do that?”
And I became addicted to that feeling…
That feeling like YOU can make a woman cumbetter than any “stud” she’s ever had…
YOU know a secret that makes you better than other men…
YOU are so much of a man women can’t keep their hands off you…
And so I dedicated my life to finding new information…
- New secrets about sex…
- New research…
- New techniques…
So that I’d always have that sexual edge over guys who were bigger or “bigger” than me…
Pretty soon, I started teaching these secrets…
To men just like you and me…
So you can also make your woman giggle in exhaustion…
Look you in the eyes…
And ask you:
“Where the hell did YOU learn how to do THAT?”
Now my passion is my full time job…
And over the years I’ve discovered quite a few techniques…
Sexual Techniques Almost No One Knows…
Such as:
- FROM INDIA: A G-Spot massage that makes a woman quake and shiver…
- FROM CHINA: A squirting technique that makes her come so hard… … Some women pass right out…
- FROM DUSTY OLD TEXTBOOKS: Twelve loopholes in a woman’s psychology… … That make her worship your penis… No matter what size it is… … Until she begs to have you in her mouth…
But… no matter where I looked…
There was one secret I never could find…
And that was the secret to penis enlargement that actually worked…
The secret that… finally… would let me feel like a man…
Instead of still feeling like a nerdy young virgin…
Or the boy who got picked on in the locker room shower for being so tiny…
So I decided to try
something different…
Instead of asking myself,
“How do I make my penis bigger? ”
I asked myself,
“How do I make my penis look bigger?
… And feel bigger inside of her…
… So my penis turns her on, and gives her more pleasure…
… than any penis she’s ever seen…”
To my surprise, I discovered…
This isn’t just another “pipe dream”…
Making your penis look and feel bigger…
Is something you can really do…
There are ways to make your penis look bigger…
To both of you…
There are ways to make your penis feel much bigger…
To both of you…
And there are ways to make her crave your cock…
More than any cock she’s ever had…
In fact, I discovered a hidden world, filled with options for men like us…
Men who want to be bigger in bed…
And want something that actually works…
So I experimented with these
techniques, one by one…
One technique made my girlfriend scream “OMG… You feel so big…”
One thing I tried made another girl cry out:“You feel so thick… it hurts… but don’t stop!”
And after I gave her orgasm after orgasm…
Many where I was buried deep inside her…
Deeper than I had ever been…
My girlfriend whispered,
“I worship your cock……No one’s ever made me feel like this…”
That night, I knew I’d found something special…
I had the sexual confidence I craved…
And my sexual insecurity had vanished…
My erections had gotten longer…
A LOT harder…
And a whole lot more impressive looking…
Thanks to my new found sexual self-confidence.
I wanted to keep these secrets to myself…
But after a few months I felt guilty…
So I started teaching private groups of my highest-paying clients…
And I held invite-only seminars…
Where I shared my secrets with a select few men…
I encouraged these men to share their results…
And they were thrilled:
One man’s wife yelled, “No, no… you’re in TOO DEEP…”
Another man’s girlfriend wrapped her mouth around his penis, every morning…
Another man measured his penis and found he had a little extra…
And all of this fantastic sex made them more relaxed at work, and in the rest of their lives too…
You wouldn’t believe how many thankful calls I got…
Or how many emails I got saying “Thank you!”
Even so, I was bombarded by men who told me…
“Alex, I need to be bigger by TONIGHT!”
Luckily I had an answer for them, too…
Whether they were about to make love to a new girl…
And wanted to impress her with their technique…
Or they wanted to surprise their wife for their anniversary…
Or even if they wanted to win an ex back with the best sex of her life…
There was one technique I knew would work for these guys…
One technique I knew I could teach them quickly…
One technique I knew would give them instant results…
And I want to give you this technique, for free…
I call it: “The 357 Magnum” Technique
And it’s one of the most powerful techniques I know to make it “Feel Bigger” inside of her.
(And that’s what’s really important to her, anyway…)
Once you’ve mastered this simple technique…
You can make your woman squeal with joy…
She’ll beg you for sex, every night…
And scream out, barely able to handle you…
I call it “The 357 Magnum” for two reasons:
First… like a real gun… this technique needs to be carefully aimed…
And if you point it in the wrong direction…
You could really hurt her…
But more on that in just a second…
The second reason I call this technique “The 357 Magnum”…
Is because it uses the same physics as a 357 Magnum bullet…
To penetrate a woman more deeply than you have in your entire life…
And give her intense sexual pleasure no man has given her before…
Here’s how it works:
A 357 Magnum bullet uses a principle called “Hydrostatic Shock…”
Put simply, a magnum shell has more energy which creates MASSIVE shockwaves…
And that’s what makes it so effective…
Well… in the same way…
You can create hydrostatic shockwaves inside her vagina, too…
By thrusting in the right way…
The faster and harder you use The 357 Magnum…
The bigger the shockwaves…
The deeper she feels you…
And the louder she screams, “HARDER! HARDER!”
No, this doesn’t mean fast thrusting…
Or “Jack Rabbiting” her like a porn star…
In fact, you shouldn’t “Magnum” her fast at all…
Because the shockwaves you send out…
Travel throughout her vagina…
And too many, too fast can be a bad thing…
Just ask Samantha from Ohio who said, “He really, really hurt me…”
The good shockwaves hit her G-Spot…
And give her intense orgasms…
The better shockwaves hit her “Deep Spot”…
And gives her an orgasm which shuts down her lateral orbitofrontal cortex… and sends her into wild, animalistic passion.
But the best shockwaves
hit secret spots…
These are the spots men with big penises hit, automatically…
And why most girls secretly fantasize…
About men with large penises…
When you do “The 357 Magnum” right…
You will see her react, powerfully…
WARNING: if you don’t use
The 357 Magnum just right…
It may be the reason your woman refuses to sleep with you…
… Ever again!
Which is something I don’t want for you…
And that’s why I wrote a report titled,
“The 357 Magnum: Everything you need to know about history’s best kept ‘enhancement’ secret…”
It includes a detailed description of The 357 Magnum Technique…
Including step-by-step instructions like:
- The exact rhythms you’ll use to build a woman’s orgasm…
- The best angle to give a woman a G-Spot orgasm…(Even if it’s the first orgasm of her life…),
- The position you must try… If you want to turn your penis into the best she’s ever had…
- … And much, much more.
I’ve only shared The 357 Magnum Technique with a handful of men…
Men who paid $497 an hour to learn it…
But I’d like to give you a copy of my report…
“The 357 Magnum Secret Report For Pleasing Women”…
… For FREE…
It’s a bribe…
See, the men who learned The 357 Magnum Technique…
They begged me for more and more…
So I taught them everything I knew…
About looking and feeling bigger…
And pleasing a woman better than any other man she’s ever been with…
- I taught them positions…
- I taught them techniques…
- I taught them all of my secrets…
And these men gave me the push I needed…
I worked on this program for months…
Until I felt like I had “enough”…
Enough success stories…
Enough proof this works…
Enough to risk the ridicule of my peers…
… And share these techniques with the world…
That’s when I created:
“Unleash The Beast:

- Which teaches you how to look bigger…
- How to feel like you’ve grown huge overnight…
- And how to rock a woman’s world in bed even if you’re “average” or need a couple of extra inches to satisfy your woman…
So you have the confidence, the ability to pleasure a woman, and the swagger of a man with a much larger penis…
Unleash The Beast is taught in 5 Modules.
Each Module is an hour long audio coaching lesson along with a PDF transcript and additional content to make sure you get results fast.
Once you have Unleash The Beast…
You will never feel insecure about your penis ever again…
Because in Module One, I tell you
the truth: What women really think
about a man’s penis…
- Women’s shocking confessions
Private survey reveals EXACTLY how big her favorite penis actually was…(The answers will surprise you)… - What women privately crave from a man and his penis…
It isn’t length… it isn’t even width… yet 100,000+ women blushedwhen they talked about it… - Are you the biggest she’s ever had? You may be surprised…
What percentage of women have never slept with even an “average” guy…This is so much more common than you think… - Which women fantasize about a penis like yours?…
A surprising percentage of women masturbate to a penis just like yours (I didn’t believe it, at first…but now I can’t look ata beautiful woman without wondering…“Does she get off thinking about a penis like mine?”) - The biggest orgasm a girl can have…
… And why she can only have it with a man who’s less than 7” long… - How to tell if your woman craves a bigger penis – even if she denies it…
The secret? Find out which SPORTS TEAM she roots for (I show you why)… - Which common “orgasm spot” is a myth…
(Why it’s so hard to get some women off using your fingers… And what you can do instead)… - Her favorite sex moment, revealed…
(No, it isn’t her orgasm…and it isn’t even the way you make her feel…But do this in the bedroom and she’ll go nuts)…
… Plus much more
In Module Two I teach you how to
get hard on command…
And how to keep a rock hard erection – as long as you want it…
Which is a MAJOR turn on to women…
And makes you feel like a man…
Not to mention, you’ll never need to apologize because you can’t get it up…
In Module Two, you’ll also discover…
- Three tricks to make you harder than you’ve ever been before without pills, creams or even exercises…
Quick, natural remedies with no hidden side effects… - Three foods that make your penis look healthier…
Makes your veins pop… keeps you hard as a rock…And makes her want to put you in her mouth … - Do this when you masturbate for bigger orgasms…
And the ability to last as long as you want (Sounds like magic, but designed by doctors)… - Can a glass of red wine give you a harder erection?
The shocking reason red wineand bananas bothmake you feel harder,to her (And the other foods that give you great sex all day)… - Why some men have hotter sex around the holidays…
This spice gets you harder, makes her more aroused, and even makes her orgasm quicker (Just sprinkle this in her drink to get that holiday sex whenever you want)…
Plus a whole lot more…
In Module Three, I teach you the
secrets you’ll need to last longer than any other man…
(Long enough to make any woman cum…)
Including one technique that’s so effective…
It lets you last as long as you want and as long as she can take it…
Even if you’re drunk… or super-turned on…
Or you’ve been cursed with premature ejaculation in the past…
And even if you haven’t had sex in a very long time…
- Breathing tips to make you last longer…
It isn’t simple breathing… or… even meditation…But it can help you last 30 to 60 minutes longer… - Do this with your stomach and you’ll last as long as you want…
Do you hold your breath before you cum? Do this, instead (It lets you cum harder… last five minutes longer…And impress any woman)… - Some guys have more nerve endings“down there” than others…
This secret works even if you’ve tried everything…And nothing has worked for you… - This is The “Magic Bullet” for stopping premature ejaculation…
Works so well, I’d teach it to the President of the United States…
Plus a whole lot more…
In Module Four, I teach you my
most powerful sex secrets…
In 20 years, I’ve never met anyone else who knew these secrets…
Secrets like:
- A weird trick that makes her beg for mercy…
… While she cums over and over… (This shocking trick isn’t a position or a “technique”…and it isn’t anything you’ll find in Cosmo)…But it drives her WILD! - Crazy sex moves make her feel tighter…
And even crazier sex moves that make her “virgin tight…” - How to make her moan every time you thrust…
Tilt your hips like this to make her gasp at the end of every thrust… - Can a “tiny” man make her cum? The answer is YES!
I’ll show you positions that make you feel three inches longer…And the surprising reason why many women like “smaller” men better… - Do this right and she’ll beg you to slow down…
That’s when you keep thrusting into her faster…You’ll drive her to a full body orgasm…
And there’s so much more…
In Module Five, I turn
you into a Sex God…
I show you how to make her worship your cock…
How to eliminate guilt, anxiety, and shame around sex…
And I give you the secrets to the “Mental Game” of sex…
- How to “choke” a girl into a mind-numbing orgasm…
Do this with your thumb to turn her on, and keep her calm at the same time (And how to work up to “choking” without freaking her out)… - Does your woman just lay there during sex?
How to make even the most repressed or sexually reserved woman fuck harder than she has in her entire life (Costs just 25 cents)… - How to massage her pussy like a God…
Do this with your flat hand…You’ll rub her clitoris… and…ten OTHER pleasure zones, all at once!
And much more… Including:
- Is plain ol’ chocolate the miracle sex drug we’ve been waiting for?
The surprising way a bar of chocolate can make you harder, put her in the mood…And even make her cum quicker, revealed (HINT: It’s not just eating it…) - Why your high school boners may be ruining your sex life, today…
An easy way to get over the shame you felt in high school… - What Italian scientists discovered about the cells in YOUR brain that control HER orgasm…
… How using your “Mirror Neurons” makes turning her on EASY…Even if she’s a complete Ice Queen… - The rules of fucking her – hard…
How many strokes, how long to do it, and how to tell when she’s REALLY in the mood ….( And when she’s just playing it up to get you to finish quickly)… - How many fingers should you put in her vagina?
Take this easy test…You’ll probably end up using MORE than you think…
And even those secrets are just scratching the surface…
Remember: Each of these five Modules is its own coaching class…
Along with PDF notes and additional content…
And in the past, my coaching clients
have paid up to $500.00…
For just a few of the secrets I give away in just ONE of these Modules…
And the good news is this:
Because I’m sick and tired of seeing so many men suffer with this problem…
And because I want to help as many men as possible…
I’m giving away Unleash The Beast for a HUGE discount…
In fact, I’ve sliced the price of Unleash The Beast by more than HALF…
Consider the value of what you get:
- A life free of sexual insecurity…
- A life where women beg to go down on you…
- A life where you walk, fuck and feel like you have a 12-inch dick…
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
A lot of guys go out and spend $250,000.00 on a Lamborghini to feel like a man…
Or they’ll blow $5,000.00 on an Armani suit to have that feeling of confidence…
Or they’ll waste $250.00 on a package of Extenze or other penis “enlargement” drugs… just for the HOPE of feeling more confident…
… And those pills don’t even make you bigger!
Yet… when you claim your copy of Unleash The Beast…
- Your penis will look bigger to both you and your woman…
- You penis will feel bigger and fill her completely…
- Your woman will beg you for mercy, worship your cock and hound you for sex, every single day…
- … And when you use The 357 Magnum Technique, you can have her squealing with pleasure less than 30 minutes from now…
You won’t pay $250,000.00…
You won’t pay $5,000.00…
You won’t pay $250.00…
I first sold Unleash The Beast
to my “Inner Circle” for $197…
And it sold out, immediately…
Plus, it got rave reviews…
And guys called me in tears to thank me for their results…
But you won’t even pay $197.00…
Since you’re still reading this…
I feel like we’ve connected…
And I want you to join my program…
That’s why I’m going to give you a discount…
for a limited time, get UTB for $99 $47…
And your penis will look and feel bigger…
I also want to sweeten the pot…
When you order now you get ELEVEN of my very best programs…
Eleven programs worth $517.00…
And you get them…
Absolutely free…
All you have to do is click the button below:
Here’s a brief summary of what you get…
- BONUS PROGRAM #1: “Silver Bullets: Ten Sex Techniques Guaranteed To Work In Seconds…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #2: “Sex Positions Which Make You Feel Bigger: An Illustrated Guide…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #3: “SEXercises: 7 Exercises That Make You Better In Bed…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #4: “Last For Hours: Everything You Need To Last For 30… 40… 60 Minutes Or More!
- BONUS PROGRAM #5: “How To Make Her Come: A Man’s Guide To The Female Body – With 7 Easy Orgasm Tips…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #6: “How To Get Her Addicted To Your Penis…”
- BONUS PROGRAMS #7 & #8: “Your Questions, Answered: FAQ From Unleash The Beast”
- BONUS PROGRAM #9: “The Magic Bullet Method VIDEO: How To Last For Hours With Visual Guides…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #10: “The Sex Positions VIDEO: How To Fuck Your Woman In Ways Which Make Your Dick Feel Bigger With Live Actors…”
- BONUS PROGRAM #11: “Testosterone, Demystified: Interview With Low-T Expert Dr. Tom Incledon…”

Which you get for free as an Unleash The Beast member…
If I were to sell these eleven programs together I would charge $517.00…
And I’ve been doing this long enough to know they’d sell quick…
But all eleven bonuses are yours, free, when you claim your copy of Unleash The Beast…
Just click the button below:
When you do…
- Your penis will look and feel bigger… to you and your woman…
- You get the sexual swagger and self-confidence normally reserved for really “large” men…
- You’ll make her cum so hard, she shivers…
- And can’t control her body…
- You’ll be inside her for hours and hours…
- And keep going until she’s breathless, begging for a break…
- You’ll make her want to get you alone… and pull your penis out of your pants…
In fact… as you’ve seen… she’ll quickly become your personal nympho…
And you save more than $150…
So click the button below, right now:
Unleash The Beast is an investment in your future…
A future where you look men and women right in the eye…
A future where you have unbreakable self-confidence not only in bed, but in the rest of your life, as well…
A future where women crave you in their bodies…
And fight, tooth and nail, to get you into bed…
PLUS: I guarantee Unleash The Beast will work for you or your money back…
Try any technique in Unleash The Beast, just once…
Your wife or girlfriend will moan with pleasure…
You will pleasure erotic spots deep in her vagina…
Spots neither of you knew existed…
You will feel bigger and stretch her walls…
… And you will feel proud of your penis and proud of yourself…
All this – TONIGHT – or your money back…
In fact, I guarantee Unleash The Beast
three separate ways:
1) Every secret must work for you … or… you get 100% of your money back…
2) Your wife or your girlfriend must drag you into bed, every night or you get 100% of your money back…
3) And Unleash The Beast must fulfill every promise I’ve made today… within the next 60 days…
Or… I will give you 100% of your money back…
Try the product for 60 days, and if you’re not completely satisfied just send me an email and I’ll send you a refund. You have absolutely nothing to lose and all the risk is on me!
You will also keep the entire Unleash The Beast package…
Including all five Modules of the main program…
Including your 11 bonus programs…
Including the “Surprise” content I haven’t even told you about, yet…
You keep everything and you get your money back…
Absolutely no questions asked…
So you risk nothing when you claim your
copy of Unleash The Beast today…
So click the button below, right now:
More than two million men have trusted me for advice in their sex lives…
Now this will work for you, as well:
Click the button below, right now:
When you click the button below, you get instant access to Unleash The Beast…
You download The 357 Magnum Technique…
And feel bigger just 3 to 5 minutes from now…
And… if you claim your copy of Unleash The Beast in the next few minutes
I’ll also give you the 357 Magnum Technique VIDEO…
… Which shows you exactly how to use this powerful thrusting technique…
… Including the angles that give women the most pleasure…
… And the ovary-killing positions to avoid…
(Unless you want your woman to leave you, for good…)
This video is yours, free, when you click the button below:
This Report, I’ve done a lot for you…
- I debunked the 3 common myths men have about penis enlargement…
- I saved you from a broken penis… a Frankencock… and “Penile Rupture Syndrome…”(Which… as you may remember… is caused by some penis pills…)
- I introduced you to a new way to make your penis look and feel bigger…
- And I introduced you to The 357 Magnum Technique (An instant way to pleasure her deepest spots)…
- I introduced you to a hidden side of male enhancement…
- I offered to give you more than 100 secrets about enlargement and better sex…
- I offered to give you eleven bonus programs worth a total of $517.00…
- And I offered to give you my program “Unleash The Beast” at a 76% discount… (Saving you more than $150)
- And I guaranteed your satisfaction three separate ways…
Plus a whole lot more…
But here’s the most important part:
I’ve shown you that you are not alone in your desire to look and feel bigger…
I’ve shown you that your desire to look and feel bigger is natural…
And that… even though the “conventional” methods for making our dick bigger suck…
There are still options out there for guys like us…
Now, you have a choice to make:
OPTION ONE: You can join me in the Unleash The Beast program…
You can fuck your woman to orgasm after orgasm using techniques she’s never felt from any other man…
OPTION TWO: You can continue on from here, alone…
Tomorrow, you will fantasize about having a bigger dick…
But you will have no safe way to look or feel bigger…
And so you’ll consistently let your lovers down in bed…
Whether they admit it or not…
You may try penis pills, pumps or surgery…
… But you may get injured or… God forbid…
Lose the use of your penis forever…
You may get ripped off with no results…
Left frustrated, but no “bigger”…
And still insecure around women and depressed when you’re alone…
I don’t want that for you…
I don’t think you want that for yourself…
But it’s your choice
And it’s a choice you have to make:
Will you click the button below?
Or will you risk it alone?
Click the button below
Claim your copy of Unleash The Beast, right now…
Stop being a spectator in your own life…
And make a choice that you’ll remember forever…
Click the button below
And join Unleash The Beast…
Before your opportunity…
… disappears…
I want you to click the button below, right now…
Because every second you wait is another second…
Which you decide to needlessly live in insecurity and fear…
Instead of taking your life into your own hands…
Have the courage women admire…
And the balls other men respect:
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