Learn how to be great in bed with the Pussy Petting Exercise…
This sex technique for becoming SEXUALLY POWERFUL came from my panel discussion at Burning Man back in 2014:
You can view this on youtube by clicking here: Sexual Power – The Pussy Petting Game
This game for becoming BETTER IN BED came from my friend Philippe Lewis, one of my favorite philosophers of human sexual behavior, social engineer and provocateur extraordinaire. (Plus, he makes his own, homemade absinthe).
It is one of the most brilliant and simple methods I have seen to really learn, understand, and practice how to have great sex.
Plus it’s FUN.
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Looking forward to trying it out… though not real sure how to bring it up…
Bring it up like it’s going to be fun… not like you’re embarrassed.
Bring it up with confidence.
Bring it up like you’re the kind of guy who is interested in new experiences.
Bring it up like you’re curious and playful
Bring it up like you care about your sexual relationship and you’re the kind of man who’s willing to put some time and thought into it.
My God, that’s brilliant!
Great tip! I love games, spontaneous or planned, they just make sex life and relationship so fun, and I feel it really brings people closer together emotionally and physically.
Can’t wait to try this one out with my boyfriend. Purr 🙂
Hi Alex ..have not been able to view the pussy petting video or video # 1, only get a black screen when I try to view on my Android . Any help will be appreciated Thank you
I dont use cretit cards or bank cards do you have a way to take a money order? if so how and address to mail it thanks Ray
I also can’t play it on my android. Only a black screen.
Hey Alex
I also can’t view these videos on my Ipad. I just get a black screen. Any help would be good.
I forwarded this message to my genius technology czar… but fyi… I also tested it on my own iPad and it works great for me.
What a come-on of a title (“pussy petting”) but solid an approach to the power of touch for you and the person you love with a guarantee of clear communication for those who try this exercise.
Thank you Rabbi. I LOVE your site!
This would have been a good one….won’t load, though…any chance you could post on u-tube?
Hey Robert, seems to be loading fine on my end, but I’ll post a youtube link under the vid… Anyone else having trouble loading the vid?